Oregano Oil bio 50 ml
Oregano Oil is produced by the natural distillation process. It is considered to be an exceptional oil because of its healing abilities for a variety of viruses, microbes, fungi and bacteria infections. It helps you deal with health issues like vices, seasonal flu, dermatitis, eczema, arthritis, allergies, asthma, diarrhea, intestinal and digestive problems and inflammations. Surveys show that Oregano Oil has also an effective action on reducing blood sugar.
Oregano Oil is a potable mixture. Just a teaspoon in a half-filled glass of water, juice or tea, 2-3 times a day is the ideal dosage to shield your body’s defense against cold and flu viruses.
Deal with light burns and the pain caused by them just by mixing 1 teaspoon of Oregano Oil and 1 of virgin olive oil. It is also suitable for fungal infections and stings of bees or wasps.